Transmedia Worldbuilding (BCM112 Weekly Digest)

A few years ago, I helped moderate a transmedia worldbuilding project. It was a subreddit called Neskania. We wanted the whole world to get in on it and contribute to the history of this world through whatever media form they like, with a focus on the creativity of the contribution over the skill with which it was made. We had poetry, art, journals, music, and a lot of text that started to build that world’s canon. We crafted a rich history and story together.

However, not everyone was on the same page. This project made me see how disorganized a project like this could be. If everyone only saw part of the story, their contributions were more likely to clash with someone else’s. And as the story grew, less people were able to see the whole thing. That’s one of the issues a transmedia work has to face. Because all of its parts are separate, it follows that each could have a separate audience.


There’s a good chance that I can’t embed this Prezi into this blog because it’s not self-hosted, so here’s the link: A Transmedia Map of a Cyberpunk/Lovecraftian World Project

This prezi details a transmedia project that I am undertaking for Cybercultures and Digital Game Cultures. While only parts of it will be completed this session, I intend to continue working on it.

3 thoughts on “Transmedia Worldbuilding (BCM112 Weekly Digest)

  1. Hey Xara,

    I thought your prezi was extremely in depth and it definitely taught me a thing or two about transmedia narratives. I also think your personal experience or moderating a transmedia project is very interesting and would’ve loved to hear a bit more about it in the blog post.

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    1. Haha, thanks! Word limits can be pretty… well, limiting. It would’ve been nice to expand on the subreddit, but it fell apart pretty quickly, so it would mostly be a lesson in organisation.

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  2. Something I’m not 100% on is the culture of Lovecraft, so I’m only going off the details you presented in class! This project sounds very steep in terms of organisation and content aggregation but that’s not necessarily a bad thing I believe. You’ve detailed how you’ve run into troubles in terms of user input, but your research and personal knowledge is so broad and in-depth that you could even use the input as extra to your own. This is a great example of transmedia narratives and Reddit I believe adds to the participatory culture as the platform promotes discussion. The link for both of your classes could also serve as a physical transmedic experience which would be an interesting exploration! Your prezi is coherent and well researched Goodluck with it all!

    Liked by 1 person

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